BVIS Branding
Objective: Creating a comprehensive brand identity for a Bahraini visual design college, to provide guideline for employees, when they are producing materials related to this brand. Examples need to be provided about how the brand elements should be used through different channels of communication.
Solution: The logo has two components: the logo and the logotype. It is combination of critical thinking and Bahraini traditional design, both of which are valued by this brand. The logo implies a sense of movement since its components point toward different directions; hence, it conveys the brand’s mission, which is to train skilled students ready to work locally and internationally. The colour red implies a sense of power and energy.


Describe your image

The 70 pages book contain complete guideline of the brand. It includes tone of voice, correct position of the logo, photography rules, internet guide page, signage, car sign, intranet, presentation template, certificate, invoice, pattern and more.